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Frida Bistro

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10 years ago

This week's gorgeous sunny weather has me out exploring. Decided to leave a bit early for a meet with my (ahem) web designer and found myself in a part of town where I had heard that a "recommended" restaurant (Tin Angel) was located. Hunting and pecking around the streets where I thought I'd seen their sign I found, instead, Frida Bistro. Not to take anything away from Tin Angel, (haven't tried it yet) but I'm pleased to have found Frida! The first thing of note, although not a big deal, is the location. Let's just say you may not stumble into it as I did, in the course of a normal day. Other side of the tracks? Ok, we'll go with that. 

Once inside I was quickly welcomed and spirited to a table. Bright, lively and trendy are words I'd use to describe the dining room. The staff? Professional, friendly yet not gushy. ("Hi! My name is ______! and I'll be your server today!")      Please.

Asking for a recommend, I allowed myself be led to the Tilapia Borracha. Wonderful! (I didn't think to shoot the plate until I'd already started in on it so...) Subtly spicy and sweet at the same time. I'm not a gourmand but I loved it. Since lunch that day I've learned that I didn't "discover" Frida Bistro. In fact, Salt Lake Magazine has recognized the establishment on more than one occasion. 


Frida Bistro

545 W 700 S

Salt Lake City, UT 84101
