Buying New or Old Homes-We Have Some Pros and Cons

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10 years ago

You may be looking to purchase a home, but aren’t sure where to begin. What are pros of buying am existing house vs buying a brand new house?

Buying a brand new house offers some real advantages to a home buyer.  There are fewer repairs on heating and cooling units, and you’ll have new appliances that are less likely to need service.

New homes also have some technology benefits, including garages.  Most are pre-wired for entertainment, computer systems, modern appliances and conveniences.

Of course, existing or older homes have their advantages too. These homes are located in established neighborhoods and near conveniences like schools, libraries, local parks, and shopping centers.  You’ll also have mature vegetation from large trees, to greenery, and shade...another big perk. New homes and new neighborhoods just can’t offer that.

Older homes may have more architectural charm and style.  Older homes may have hardwood floors, alcoves, built-in bookcases, and amenities not found in newer homes.  They also may have larger lot sizes, giving your family a little more room to roam.

It really comes down to what you want in a home, and geographically where you want to live.  If you’re thinking of buying or selling a home and need competent and caring representation, please call me at 801-244-4166